TIC-MFP Medium-Power Converters
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TIC-MFP Medium-Power Converters
- Frequency range: 1000Hz – 100kHz
- Output power: max. 100kW
- ProfiNet, ProfiBus, Ethernet communication
- Remote controller interface
- Process control on demand (temperature controller, etc.)
- MF Capacitors included in the cabinet
- Isolating and matching output transformer
- Adjustable load capacitor bank
- Power input: 3 Phase 400VAC, 50 – 60Hz
- Water cooled
Category: MF Medium-Power Converters
The medium frequency medium power converters are units with compact construction, having all components included in the standard cabinet, except the inductor. The converters are equipped with PLC, wired and industrial communication based external control interface. The design of the inputs and outputs are custom made.
The state of the art IGBT technology assure high flexibility and reliability of the converter. The power components are water-cooled.