High-Voltage Power Supplies
HV DC Power Supplies
HV DC Power Supplies
Converters with regulated DC output for special applications like surface coating and nitriding vacuum applications, silicon growing technologies, etc. The power supplies are digitally controlled, using IGBT or MOS technologies, with several features - intelligent gate-drive control, PLC for process control and high level communication, arc management, programmable automatic restart in case of arc discharge, etc. We produce a wide range of output voltage/power configurations, from 100VDC/2kW to 10000VDC/120kW or more, on request.
HV Pulse Power Supplies
HV Pulse Power Supplies
The pulse power supplies are converters with unipolar or bipolar outputs with programmable frequency, pulse width and pulse amplitude. There is a wide range of application, like electro-erosion, galvanization, reactive magnetron sputtering and many more.
HV DC Power Supplies
HV DC Power Supplies
Converters with regulated DC output for special applications like surface coating and nitriding vacuum applications, silicon growing technologies, etc. The power supplies are digitally controlled, using IGBT or MOS technologies, with several features - intelligent gate-drive control, PLC for process control and high level communication, arc management, programmable automatic restart in case of arc discharge, etc. We produce a wide range of output voltage/power configurations, from 100VDC/2kW to 10000VDC/120kW or more, on request.
HV Pulse Power Supplies
HV Pulse Power Supplies
The pulse power supplies are converters with unipolar or bipolar outputs with programmable frequency, pulse width and pulse amplitude. There is a wide range of application, like electro-erosion, galvanization, reactive magnetron sputtering and many more.